Sunday, October 2, 2016

Blog Post #E

Blog Post E

Teaching problem solving with computers something that was not completely established when I attended school. Computers were used by some teachers, but we learned through the board, books, and each other. This chapter showed me a different view in problem solving and how computers can be an awesome tool for teaching problem solving to the students. Problem solving through computers will basically be what us as teachers assign. As the book states there as software programs, apps, learning games, and intelligent tutoring programs which will all provide students with challenging problems to solve (Maloy et al, p106).  This is something that I will definitely will love to try as a future educator because it may help the students engage and enjoy more while using a new concept of problem solving through computers.

Children at school
                   Creative commons credit to By: Lucélia Ribeiro(flicker)

Higher-Order and Lower-Order thinking is something that I experienced for myself when I was a seventh grader and having gone through this is why I can relate to this very well. Lower-order thinking is basically just learning how to spell vocabulary words for a test or quiz. Higher-order thinking is learning how spell the word its definition and then write an essay using all these words with the correct meaning. I had to do the higher-order thinking because I was placed in a ESOL class for English learning students and this is one of the best things that has happened to me because although I was in that class by mistake it was a challenge to me to do all this and I was able to expand my vocabulary by the end of the year. When this happened to me computers and gamification were not used as much. In this chapter I learned that " to successfully promote higher-order thinking, a game should earn a score of between 15 to 20 points on the rubric created by John Rice, meaning higher-order thinking features are consistently present" (Maloy et al p, 162). If I would have been challenged in my time with a game instead of a full definition and essay I think the different opportunities of the game would have helped me getting a passing score on the rubric.

Online Software selection resources for teachers which was such a big help for me as a college student. This concept I think is very important and something that we should be aware because it is very helpful. They have edudemic directory which offers reviews on technology resources such as laptops, cell phones, apps and more. Entertainment software rating board ( ESRB)  is an independent evaluation group that assesses and rates new pieces of software a year. Evalutech a free review service for teacher and families it offers more 10,000 software and print resources for k-12 teaching. is a software watchdog whose goal is to identify destructive software (Maloy et al p, 164). This resources I had never heard of before reading this chapter and I they would be very useul because as a teacher you will always have many thing on your computer specially in this era of technology.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Creative commons credit to flicker retrieved October 1, 2016 from flicker

Holmes, M. (2011, December 3). Blooms taxonomy. Retrieved October 1, 2016, from

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