First, technology and the work of a teacher caught my attention because of the different forms of applying technology into teaching and the different settings. Technology quickly went from technology-based library to a technology-based office. All of the different features that one as a future teacher can put into a lesson plan as (Maloy, et al p. 5) mentions using technology as teacher does not require using computers in every teaching situation but rather continually asking: "What can teachers and students do with technology that cannot be done without it?". This made me question how much technology is really being used in the classrooms. Students of today are using more technology then when I went to school but teachers and students still have control of how much technology is being used in the classroom. In this article I found that many teachers are still struggling with implicating technology into instruction.
Secondly, The Technological pedagogical content knowledge(TPACK) was something that surprised me because I did not know how crucial it is to learning and I believe it is very important because it brings together many new skills in the 21st century. The TPACK has three different forms of knowledge which create different learning experiences for different students which is significant to be successful in today's school. The three forms are content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge. By combining just two of these knowledge's you can create something new for example, content combined with technology creates technological content knowledge meaning the ability to use technology to convey content (Maloy, et al pp. 10-11).
All in all, becoming an educator in the 21st century has a high demand for technology use. This is really transforming learning with new technologies as the textbook title states but this also means that the students will be challenging technology which challenge us to compose new ways of teaching.
Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O'Loughlin, Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
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