Inclusion or infusion of technology in the classroom what would you as a modern educator use? This was a hard question for me to answer as I read this in this chapter. With modern times it is very hard to determine whether to use inclusion or infusion technology in the classroom. Inclusion means that computers and information technologies are used mainly fro transferring information and practicing skills. Infusion on the other hand, means that computers and other information technologies are ongoing features of teaching and learning in al academic subjects at all grade levels.
In order to decide whether to use infusion or inclusion you have to determine what stage of technology integration you are at as an educator. There are five stages of technology integration. The following are the stages and an overview of what they each are:
- Entry Stage- At an entry stage, a teacher needs to gain specific skills in how to use computers and technologies before she or he is able to think about how to apply new knowledge to classrooms situations.
- Adoption Stage- At the adoption stage, a teacher know s enough to use technology in the classroom, but only at a basic level and only occasionally.
- Adaption Stage- At an adaption stage, a teacher is using technology regularly as part of teaching.
- Appropriation Stage- At the appropriation stage, a teacher is using technology as both an inside the classroom and outside the classroom tool.
- Invention Stage- At the invention stage, a teacher is exploring new ways to creatively use technology in and out of the classroom as well as adding emerging technologies to a personal repertoire of professional skills and practices.
What stage are you at? I feel as if I am the Adaption stage and this class has helped develop my technology skills getting thus far.
Automate or Informate
What is automate and informate technologies? Automating happens when a new technology essentially recreates existing practices, usually at greater speed and sometimes with greater efficiency. Informating signifies a different process, where a technology changes an activity by fundamentally redesigning and refining it. This two concepts are just an enhancement of how much you can add to technology now. For example, before we could get our report cards sent home in an envelope now we can access them via email or on the school website that is automate technology. While with informate technology we exercise and our phone would be able to track every mile and step we took. Would that be great for gym class?
In this modern age the integration of technology is one of the main priorities for some teachers because it helps keep the students engaged and interested. For us upcoming educators knowing what to expect and being prepared is all the we can do. The way that we choose to set up, run, and teach our classroom will determine much of our success as well as how much technology we integrate into our daily class time.
E. (2012, December 12). An introductin to technology integration. Retrieved November 26, 2016, from
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Ruiz, J. (2016, November 26). Inclu/Infu. Retrieved November 26, 2016, from